Support and Services

This section of the website will tell you useful services in the Tonbridge area that you might find useful. It also gives you links to other support services that operate at a national level.

Carers peer support group

Meets on the first Friday of every month at 2pm at the Angel Indoor Bowls Club, Ave Du Puy, Tonbridge. Free car park All are welcome, no need to book in advance.

In Case of Going Missing Form

Download the ‘In Case Of Going Missing Form’ here from Kent Search and Rescue. This document completed and kept in a safe place will be an invaluable time saver if your cared for friend of relative wanders off and is missing. At such a time, when relatives are anxious and distressed, bringing this information to mind may prove challenging.

Download ‘In Case of Going Missing Form’

Alzheimers and dementia Support Services (ADSS)

ADSS Dementia Co-Ordinators provide much needed support across Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Boroughs.

01474 533990

Other cafes and support groups

Cafes and Support Groups. Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells


            Activities across the Boroughs of Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells designed, or suitable for, a person living with dementia.




Every Monday

10am – 3pm C.O.G.S at Town Lock Tonbridge contact


1st Monday of the month

10am Paddock Wood Ramblers wellbeing walk

10.30am Over 65 Peer Support group, Spadework, Spadework, Offham Road, West Malling

2.30pm Time to Talk Café at Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling

10am Paddock Wood Ramblers wellbeing walk contact

2nd Monday Only

2.30pm Arts & Craft Group, Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling. Please phone first to book

2nd & 4th Monday of the month

2pm Café at Christ Church Snodland

3rd Monday

10.30am Young Onset Peer Support Group, Spadework West Malling

3pm Singing group, Spadework West Malling

4th Monday only

2.30pm Music & Movement, Spadework West Malling



Every Tuesday


10.30 Tuesday Group at Paddock Wood Day Centre.

11.30am at Capel Morris Hall, RBL Aylesford Stretch & Move

1st Tuesday of the month

2pm Dementia Café at Town Lock, Tonbridge

Contact Age UK Tonbridge

2nd Tuesday of the month

 2pm Dementia and Me Craft Club at Town Lock, Tonbridge

Contact Age UK Tonbridge

3rd Tuesday of the month


2pm Dementia and Me Peer Group at Town Lock, Tonbridge.

Contact Age UK Tonbridge

2pm Memories Café at Showfields Hall, Rowan Tree Rd

Tunbridge Wells


4th Tuesday of the month

10am Café Town Lock, Tonbridge. Contact Age UK

2pm Dementia and Me at Town Lock, Tonbridge. Contact Age UK Tonbridge




Every Wednesday


10am Moving & Music at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells

11.30am Quiet Swim time Tonbridge Pool (Term time only)

1pmSenior Choir at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells

2pm   Moving & Music at Oast Theatre Tonbridge

3.30   Senior Choir at Oast Theatre Tonbridge

NB Trinity events may change venue during school holidays.

1st Wednesday of the month

2pm Young Onset Dementia Café at Town Lock, Tonbridge

Contact Age UK Tonbridge

2nd Wednesday of the month

11am Forget me not Café at St John’s Church, London Road, Hildenborough.

2.30pm carers Support Group, Spadework West Malling


3rd Wednesday of the month

2pm Memory café at Home Instead, Mousehall Lane, Tunbridge Wells.

2.30pm Time to Talk Café at Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling




Every Thursday

12pm Dementia friendly Swimming Larkfield Pool (Term time only)

10am Walking Netball at Angel Centre Tonbridge

1st and 3rd Thursday of the month

10.30 Musical Memories at Tonbridge Methodist Church. Contact Richard Hill -


2nd Thursday of the month

2pm Memory Café at East Malling Centre, Chapmans Way, East Malling. ME19 6SD Contact Liz Simpson 07463 222733


3rd Thursday of the month

10.45am Memory Cafe, Chamberlain Court, Mt. Ephraim,

2nd & 4th Thursday of the month

2.30 Bowls Café at Angel Indoor Bowls Club, Ave DU Puy, Tonbridge.





Every Friday


9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club

10.30am except for the 1st Tuesday Group Paddock Wood.


1st Friday of the month

2pm Carers group Angel Indoor Bowls Club


1st and 3rd Friday

2pm Carers Count café, East Malling Village Hall

2pm Multi Sport. Angel Centre, Tonbridge

3rd Friday

Starting in January 2023

2pm Pembury Memory Café at Pembury Baptist Church

Romford Road, Pembury


2nd and 4th Friday

1.30pm Carers group Curran Hall, East Peckham