August Newsletter

August Newsletter

Tonbridge & Malling and Tunbridge Wells Dementia friendly Communities.

Hello everyone, 
I hope you are all well and enjoying the long awaited summer weather. I was pleased to deliver a dementia awareness session to the Tonbridge hard of hearing group. Especially pleased that Lindsey and Bridget from our committee joined me to learn, so that they can take on some of the many requests I get from all sorts of organisations. Next month I will be taking a session to Tonbridge U3A. in September and October to the staff at Waitrose in Paddock Wood and also in October to a dentist's staff in Rusthall. Hopefully by autumn Lindsey and Bridget will feel able to take on some of the requests which will be a great help to me.


Friday  2nd August  at the Angel Indoor Bowls Club at 2pm - 3.30. Our visitor will be Nicola Weller from Involve who will tell us about their services. Look forward to seeing you all..
I'm still hoping to get Tom Tugendhat to come back to us, but will hold off to see if he throws his hat in the ring for the leadership job as he did before.
August 2024 Tonbridge Area Tunbridge Wells Area
First Week     
Thurs 1 12pm Dementia friendly Swimming Larkfield Pool (Term time only)
10am Walking Netball at Angel Centre Tonbridge
10.30 Musical Memories at Tonbridge Methodist Church. Contact Richard Hill -
Fri 2 9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club
2pm Carers group Angel Indoor Bowls Club
Mon 5 10am – 3pm C.O.G.S at Town Lock Tonbridge
10.30am Over 65 Peer Support group, Spadework, Spadework, Offham Road, West Malling
2.30pm Memory Café at Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling
10am Paddock Wood Ramblers wellbeing walk
Tues 6 11.30am at Capel Morris Hall, RBL Aylesford Stretch & 
2pm Dementia Café at Town Lock, Tonbridge Contact Age UK Tonbridge
10.30 Tuesday Group at Paddock Wood Day Centre
11am COGS at Age UK Wood St, Tun Wells
Wed 7 10am Meet at Spadework carpark - Walking group
11.30am Quiet Swim time Tonbridge Pool (Term time only)
2pm Seated Moving & Music at Tonbridge Baptist Church 
3.30 Senior Choir at Tonbridge Baptist Church
2pm Young Onset Dementia Café at Town Lock, Tonbridge
Contact Age UK Tonbridge
2pm Café at Brassey Centre Aylesford.
3pm Spadework West Malling Singing group – for people with dementia and their partner to sing a variety
10am Moving & Music at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells 
9.30am Crossroads COGS club Christ Church, Prospect Rd Southborough
1pmSenior Choir at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells
Second Week     
Thurs 8 12pm Dementia friendly Swimming Larkfield Pool (Term time only)
10am Walking Netball at Angel Centre Tonbridge
2pm Memory Café at East Malling Centre, Chapmans Way, East Malling. ME19 6SD Contact Liz Simpson 07463 222733
2.30 Bowls Café at Angel Indoor Bowls Club, Ave DU Puy, Tonbridge
Fri 9 9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club
10.30am except for the 1st Tuesday Group Paddock Wood.
1.30 except for the 1st Memory Cafe Paddock wood day Centre.
Mon 12  10am – 3pm C.O.G.S at Town Lock Tonbridge
2.30pm Arts & Craft Group, Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling. Please phone first to book
Tues 13 11.30am at Capel Morris Hall, RBL Aylesford Stretch & 
2pm Dementia and Me Craft Club at Town Lock, Tonbridge Contact Age UK Tonbridge
10.30 Tuesday Group at Paddock Wood Day Centre
11am COGS at Age UK Wood St, Tun Wells
Wed 14 10am Meet at Spadework carpark - Walking group
11.30am Quiet Swim time Tonbridge Pool (Term time only)
2pm Seated Moving & Music at Tonbridge Baptist Church 
3.30 Senior Choir at Tonbridge Baptist Church
11am Forget me not Café at St John’s Church, London Road, Hildenborough.
2.30pm carers Support Group, Spadework West Malling
2.30pm Music & Movement, Spadework West Malling
10am Moving & Music at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells 
9.30am Crossroads COGS club Christ Church, Prospect Rd Southborough
1pmSenior Choir at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells
10.30 Memory Café, Emerald walk, Sherwood, Tunbridge wells (Off Greggs Wood Road
Third week    
Thurs 15 10am Walking Netball at Angel Centre Tonbridge
10.30 Musical Memories at Tonbridge Methodist Church. Contact Richard Hill -
10.30am Curiosity Project. The Amelia, Tunbridge Wells
10.45am Memory Cafe, Chamberlain Court, Mt. Ephraim
Fri 16 9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club
10.30am except for the 1st Tuesday Group Paddock Wood.
1.30 except for the 1st Memory Cafe Paddock wood day Centre.
Mon 19 10am – 3pm C.O.G.S at Town Lock Tonbridge
10.30am Young Onset Peer Support Group, Spadework West Malling
3pm Singing group, Spadework West Malling
Tues 20 11.30am at Capel Morris Hall, RBL Aylesford Stretch & Move
Tunbridge Wells 
2pm Dementia and Me Peer Group at Town Lock, Tonbridge.
Contact Age UK Tonbridge
10.30 Tuesday Group at Paddock Wood Day Centre
11am COGS at Age UK Wood St, Tun Wells
1.45pm Memories Café at Showfields Hall, Rowan Tree Rd
Wed 21 10am Meet at Spadework carpark - Walking group
11.30am Quiet Swim time Tonbridge Pool (Term time only)
2pm Seated Moving & Music at Tonbridge Baptist Church 
3.30 Senior Choir at Tonbridge Baptist Church
2.30pm Memory Café at Spadework, Spade work, Offham Road, West Malling
10am Moving & Music at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells 
9.30am Crossroads COGS club Christ Church, Prospect Rd Southborough
1pmSenior Choir at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells
Fourth week    
Thurs 22 10am Walking Netball at Angel Centre Tonbridge
2.30 Bowls Café at Angel Indoor Bowls Club, Ave DU Puy, Tonbridge
Fri 23 9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club
10.30am except for the 1st Tuesday Group Paddock Wood.
1.30 except for the 1st Memory Cafe Paddock wood day Centre.
Mon 26 10am – 3pm C.O.G.S at Town Lock Tonbridge
2.30pm Music & Movement, Spadework West Malling
Tues 27 11.30am at Capel Morris Hall, RBL Aylesford Stretch & 
10am Café Town Lock, Tonbridge. Contact Age UK 
2pm Dementia and Me at Town Lock, Tonbridge. Contact Age UK Tonbridge
10.30 Tuesday Group at Paddock Wood Day Centre
11am COGS at Age UK Wood St, Tun Wells
Wed 28 10am Meet at Spadework carpark - Walking group
11.30am Quiet Swim time Tonbridge Pool (Term time only)
2pm Seated Moving & Music at Tonbridge Baptist Church 
3.30 Senior Choir at Tonbridge Baptist Church
10am Moving & Music at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells 
9.30am Crossroads COGS club Christ Church, Prospect Rd Southborough
1pmSenior Choir at Trinity Theatre Tunbridge Wells
Fifth week    
Thurs 29 Spa Valley railway outing Spa Valley railway outing
Fri 30 9.30am Accessible bowling at Angel Indoor Bowls Club
10.30am except for the 1st Tuesday Group Paddock Wood.
1.30 except for the 1st Memory Cafe Paddock wood day Centre
  • Age UK Tonbridge Faydra Mitchell on 07846238925 or  01892 522591

The list is now closed, and barring any cancellations all seats have been filled. I really hope you all enjoy the day. Please be there by 12.30 as the train leaves at 12.55. There is an opportunity for those who are able and would like to look into the engine sheds at some of the vintage engines both before and after our trip. Lots of childhood memories for many of us travelling on a steam train. A huge thank you to Kent Community Foundation for making this possible with funding.



Are you a carer? The carers card for £8 per year entitles you to discounts from many different shops and suppliers and which includes Hotpoint, Thorntons, Vision express,The Body Shop; Just Eat and Debenhams.
Click the link below, or copy and paste to your browsers and follow the path to purchase your card.

We're going to the pantomime! Oh yes we are!

I have purchased 30 tickets for the Snow White at the E M Forster theatre at Tonbridge School on Saturday December 28th at 3pm. Very much first come first served as some of the performances are already sold out. 
I will start to compile the lists once we have returned from train trip at the end of the month.

Please keep in touch with us via social media for up-to-date information about any new groups or last minute changes. 
Twitter @DemFriendsTon

Any mistakes are all my own work.

My warmest greetings to you all.
Chris Parker